Pastoral Care

Student well-being is central to life at St Ursula’s College. 

At St Ursula’s College, education is focused on both the heart and mind and therefore we believe girls learn best when they feel safe, nurtured and valued. One of the important ways we address this is by the value we place on the role of Academic Care in the College. It underpins all we do both within the classroom and outside.  

It is the College’s response to the understanding that each student and her development are the focus of all activities which take place in the College. 

St Angela Merici, who founded the Ursuline Order, encourages us through her writings to “have each person deeply fixed in our hearts and minds and not just their names but their background and character and everything concerning them” (Second Legacy). Therefore the notion that quality teaching and learning cannot happen if there is not a firm grounding in Pastoral Care sustains our commitment to ensuring that our students are engaged with each and every learning opportunity, be it academic, personal or social. 

At St Ursula’s College, the Pastoral Care organisational structures ensure that each girl receives the best care possible in a safe and caring environment. This structure consists of: 

The Pastoral Care Group – the student is placed in a small Pastoral Care group where they will remain for the time they are at the College. This group is vertical which allows the older students to mentor and care for the younger ones, whilst developing their leadership skills. The Pastoral Care teacher, who meets with the group each morning, is the key link between the College and home. They are there to guide, support, challenge and advise the students ensuring that the relationships formed are based on mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance. They are there to work on helping each girl to become responsible, autonomous people who are able to achieve and maintain quality relationships. 

House Groups - each student belongs to one of the four House groups. All members of the Pastoral Care group belong to the same House, which allows for the students to engage in team work and spirit, strengthening their experiences and connections to our community. 

Head of House - the students have a specific Head of House who works with them on a house level basis, providing education and support on issues relevant to their age group. They promote the ethos of the College through St activities which challenge the girls to transform their lives and the lives of others.  

College Counsellors/Psychologists – the counsellor is able to assist with individual learning issues, social problems and any other issues which impede the young person’s ability to live a full and energetic life, ensuring success in their learning.  

Heads of Faculties work with subject teachers to develop quality learning environments where students enjoy learning, are motivated, self-directed and feel empowered to take risks as learners. 

A team of staff including Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal – Pastoral Care, Director of Learning and Teaching and Heads of Year are ably assisted by our College Counsellors/Psychologist, Director of Learning Enrichment (including EALD), Careers Adviser and Director of Vocational Education. 

Our goal for your daughter is that she feels valued and safe at the College and in the greater community. We aim to achieve this by providing her with a skill set that includes resilience, confidence, interdependence, respect for others and themselves. We hope she will become more resourceful and empathetic as she navigates her way through high school life. 

The Merici Care Model below serves as our guide for fostering connections and building a sense of community. It emphasizes self-awareness to inspire action, encourages growth in respect and responsibility, and aims to empower individuals to lead enriching lives.
